Hi! I'm Zim, and this is my website! I'm here so I can participate in the revival of the old web as best I can. Check out the navigation menu to see content - this page is just an introduction!
This is specifically an accessible version of my main website for photosensitive users. It's still incomplete compared to my main site, but it will ultimately have all the functionality of the main site except for things that cannot be made fully safe for photosensitivity (like gifypet, for example).
If you want your site's button to be on my "more sites" page, let me know! As long as I don't see anything objectionable, I'll probably add you. Also, let me know if you want your site removed from there, or moved to "friends' sites" if we get to know each other better.
Feel free to ask me questions about my code and/or reverse engineer it through inspect element. I don't care if you copy it.
I'd like to add more pages to my website, but I'm running out of ideas... If you have requests or ideas for pages you'd like to see, let me know!